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Search engine ranking is more than what you see on the page

Greetings, digital aficionados! Here at Position : Global, we take great pleasure in delving deep into the fascinating nuances of SEO (or I do, at the very least), and today, we steer our focus toward a topic that often doesn’t get the spotlight it rightly deserves — the significant role of category and tag pages in SEO dynamics. 

The first thing to understand is this: how you the human view a webpage is very different than how Google, Bing and other search engines view a webpage. Those search engines use what are called web crawlers which look at not just the words and pictures that you’re viewing, but also hidden parts of your site buried within the code.

Those out of sight elements are just as important if not more than what you’re reading, and it’s why when we review a new client’s website and other digital properties, the first thing we want is access to look behind the scenes and conduct an assessment. Think of it as looking inside the walls at the framing and electrical work while your guests are busy admiring Pantone’s Color of the Year you insisted on selecting to paint your dining room.

Sit tight as we unfold the secrets to optimizing these pages, ensuring a vibrant and user-friendly browsing experience.

The Stalwarts: Category Pages

At the forefront, we have the mighty category pages, unsung heroes that offer a structural haven for your content. They orchestrate a hierarchical masterpiece that intricately weaves different pieces of content, painting a coherent picture for both search engines and users. This harmonious structure facilitates easy navigation, making information retrieval a breeze rather than a labyrinthine ordeal.

To Index or Not to Index: The Pivotal Decision

As Shakespeare might have pondered in the digital age, to index or not to index, that indeed is the question. This critical decision hinges on multifaceted factors including but not limited to:

  • Relevance to your target keywords: Align your content with the demands and expectations of your audience.
  • Quality of the content: It goes without saying, that quality > quantity, always! This is where our expert wordsmith comes into play.
  • Traffic the page receives: A well-frequented page might deserve the spotlight.
  • Cannibalization potential: Essentially, preventing a page from eating into the traffic of other pages on your site. No SEO zombies…please.

Dive into analytics, conduct a careful assessment, and then, with surgical precision, decide the pages that warrant indexing.

Embarking on the SEO Optimization Odyssey

Once you embark on the journey of optimization, consider these as your guiding stars:

  • Title tags: The beacon that promises clarity and relevance. Tailor them to be clear, concise, and reflective of the page’s content.
  • Meta descriptions: These are your persuasive artists, weaving a narrative that is both informative and captivating, beckoning users to delve deeper.
  • Keyword utilization: While embedding relevant keywords is pivotal, avoid the pitfall of keyword stuffing, as it can lead to a suboptimal user experience.

Building a Rich Tapestry of Internal Links

A well-curated internal linking strategy is like a seasoned tour guide, ushering users gracefully through the richness that your site has to offer. Create pathways that lead to insightful content, fostering a cohesive and rich browsing narrative that is akin to a well-authored story, guiding users with a purpose and offering them value with each click.

Visual Enchantment and ADA Compliance: A Dual Focus

In the quest to create captivating category and tag pages, it’s essential not to overlook the principles of inclusivity and accessibility. A well-designed, ADA-compliant webpage is not just about adhering to legal standards; it’s about welcoming every visitor warmly and providing a rich and harmonious user experience. The adoption of accessible designs, such as providing alt text for images and ensuring keyboard navigability, showcases a brand that values each visitor, cherishing the diverse perspectives they bring to the digital space.

While creating a visually delightful experience, it is vital to embody the true spirit of the digital age, which is inclusive and accommodative of all. As you take on the task of optimizing your website with vibrant images and gripping layouts, remember to pair it with elements that facilitate easy navigation for all users, including those with disabilities. The initiative to integrate ADA compliance is not just about fulfilling a mandate; it’s about crafting experiences that resonate with empathy and understanding, giving equal importance to aesthetics and accessibility.

Promotion: The Grand Finale

With your category and tag pages now transformed into works of art, it’s time to thrust them into the limelight. Harness the power of social media, dabble in email marketing, and explore other channels to promote these hubs of curated content, inviting users to experience the richness and depth of information that awaits them.

In the world of SEO, every meticulous detail adds a brushstroke to the grand canvas, a flourish to the dance, and a crescendo to the symphony. By giving category and tag pages the attention and optimization they deserve, you curate a user experience that is not just user-friendly but offers a rich tapestry of interconnected ideas and insights, promising not just better visibility and rankings but a digital journey that feels not only intuitive but enriching & utterly delightful.

The same way you in one breath complain about Insta’s algorithm not showing you what you want while TikTok just gets you, so too do the visible and invisible parts of a website come together to put your site and brand where you want it to be – in front of prospective customers. Whether you’re a new business in need of your first site, you’ve got a recently-built site that needs an evaluation or you’re in the market to replace an outdated one, Position : Global is your choice for website design, development and proper SEO deployment.